Okapi brings flexible literacy solutions (digital and print) to K-5 classrooms, including literacy programs for dual-language and biliteracy classrooms. Leveled Bookroom Collections are also available.
Flying Start to Literacy™ (K-5)
This highly flexible classroom resource scaffolds students from shared reading to small-group reading, and ultimately to independence. Provide pre-readers with the conceptual and foundational skills necessary to launch into literacy with Lift Off to Literacy™, the shared-reading component of the program, with audio support for listening and reading along. The thoughtfully linked pairs of books (one narrative and one informational per pair)—which are connected by their high-frequency words, content vocabulary, and big idea—nurture students across nine developmental reading stages.
Despegando hacia la lectura™
Combine this Spanish program with its English counterpart—Flying Start to Literacy™—for rigorous dual-language instruction, K-5, or use it alone.
WorldWise: Content-based Learning™
This high-interest informational literacy program encourages inquiry and questioning while extending knowledge in science, social studies, and a range of S.T.E.M. topics. Lesson plans are linked to Next Generation Science Standards and C3 Social Studies Outcomes. Students will read a variety of types of informational texts and learn to write informational texts.
ExploraMundos™: Aprendizaje a través del contenido
Combine this Spanish program with its English counterpart—WorldWise: Content-based Learning™—for rigorous dual-language instruction (K-5), or use it alone. The English and Spanish versions match, title for title.
Biliteracy para todos™
This new stand-alone program is uniquely designed for progression from early to advanced biliteracy.
Leveled Bookroom Collections
Captivating fiction and informational texts with lesson plans come shelf-ready for K-5.