The contributions that Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell have made to the field of literacy over the past few decades are unparalleled. Their leadership and their extensive body of work have redefined and elevated literacy teaching and learning to new heights. Their literacy leadership has transformed professional development. Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™—a comprehensive, systematic design for high-impact literacy instruction—is the result of their decades-long collaboration. Based on their vision and core values and the Design for Responsive Literacy Teaching, Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ enables both students and teachers to elevate their expertise on their literacy journey. By being responsive to both teachers and students—meeting individual teachers and students where they are and moving them forward with intention and precision—Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell have created everything students and teachers need to guide them on their literacy journey.
The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ Community, the members of which—teachers, literacy leaders, and district administrators—have access to transformational videos, resources, tools, tips, and more, offers additional support and professional learning opportunities for those who are interested in elevating their expertise and connecting with others on a similar journey.
Explore the 3rd Edition of the comprehensive Benchmark Assessment Systems (BAS)and the Spanish literacy assessment tool, Sistema de evaluación de la lectura (SEL), which are meaningfully linked to classroom instruction. The Online Data Management System (ODMS) and the BAS Reading Record iPad® Apps help teachers and school districts collect, record, manage, analyze, and report assessment data.
Core Curriculum Resources
Explore Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ (FPC), a cohesive, multi-text approach to literacy instruction for all students in grades PreK–6, The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum, and other powerful tools and classroom resources. FPC includes Interactive Read-Aloud (IRA), Shared Reading (SR), Guided Reading (GR), Book Clubs (BC), Independent Reading (IR), Reading Minilessons (RML), and Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study (PWS).
New Core Curriculum Resources
Writing Minilessons
Explore all new Writing Minilessons (WML). Grades K and 1 are available now! Grades 2 and 3 will be available Summer 2022. Grades 4–6 will be available Summer 2023.
Spanish Resources
Explore Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Colección de Lectura compartida (Spanish Shared Reading).
PreK–Grade 2 are available for pre-order now. These include an array of adapted books and lessons from the FPC Shared Reading collection, as well as new books authentically written and beautifully illustrated by Spanish-speaking authors and illustrators. The number of titles per grade level are as follows: PreK (30 titles), Grade K (65 titles each), primer grado (65 titles) and segundo grado (30 titles).
PreK Resources
Explore Joyful Writing in PreK, which contains 100 brief, focused, explicit writing minilessons that spark creativity, imagination, and learning.
Explore Sounds, Letters, and Words in PreK, which contains 100 explicit, developmentally appropriate lessons about how sounds, letters, and words work, will provide prekindergarteners with a strong foundation in literacy and prepare them for kindergarten and beyond.
Digital Resources
Explore the exciting, new FPL Digital resource. Guided Reading (GR) print customers may subscribe to FPL Digital—a secure, student-facing platform for the leveled books in the Guided Reading (GR) collections. Grade-level digital subscriptions are available for purchase per teacher.
Explore The Reading Minilessons Book (eBook or Print and eBook bundle), Grade K-6. You now have options about whether you would prefer the print book, eBook, or print and eBook bundle!
Explore Leveled Literacy Intervention an effective, short-term, supplementary intervention system for struggling readers and writers, K-8. Improve the literacy achievement of your lowest-achieving readers as you work with them in small groups with engaging leveled texts and explicit, fast-paced lessons. Struggling readers and writers make accelerated progress and develop a love for reading.
Professional Books
Explore the latest in literacy thinking before making instructional decisions, and become a skillful, informed educator. Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell have written extensively; their professional books have become the standard texts in the field of literacy teaching.
Professional Development
Explore a variety of professional learning opportunities available through the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™ Resource Library and seminars, workshops, online PD, and university PD delivered by Heinemann. Student achievement increases significantly with skillful, informed teaching.